Rabbit platform allowed people or their users to watch different content without being in the same room or place and can also interact with each other while watching a movie or something else. It was very convenient and it made a co-watching thing possible for all the people. Due to some issue Rabbit had to take a back seat and it went on a halt. Millions of its users felt very sad and after some time, Kast took over Rabbit shares and promised its audience to provide the same fun but the changes that Kast brought are not up to the mark.
Here we’ll tell you about the best alternatives to Rabbit which one can use are:-
- Metastream
- Airtime
- SyncLounge
- Twoseven
- Netflix Party
1. Metastream
Metastream is one of the best alternatives for Rabbit because it has an amazing synchronization playback. Metastream has its technologies to bring live streaming to a lot of people at the same time and with no delay in playing the video. Metastream is very good when it comes to online chatting, video watching and managing it. Metastream supports almost all major streaming services like Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, etc.
If you talk about the pros and cons of using Metastream then they are:-
- It allows you to chat with your friends and family at the same time.
- Metastream lacks the popular feature of Rabbits like streaming downloaded media, audio support and webcam.
- Metastream has no video or audio message support.
2. Airtime
Airtime is the best alternative for Rabbit if you are looking especially for smartphones. At this moment for smartphones, an app for online streaming Airtime is the best option. Airtime gives you the liberty of doing a lot of things like watching Youtube videos, listening to music, chats, group chats, sending sound reactions, GIFs, stickers, and many more things.
If you talk about the pros and cons of using Airtime then they are:-
- Airtime lets you send photos, texts, and short videoclips while watching videos.
- Airtime has the same popular feature of Rabbit that it supports audio commentary and media playback simultaneously.
- The only drawback of using Airtime is that it is quite slow on mobile phones which are Android.
3. SynLounge
SyncLounge provides you a fantastic solution or alternative for Rabbit, which allows you to play synchronized media without any interruption. If someone is looking for a co-watching app for plex then syncLounge is the best option for those people and it excels at it. SyncLounge lets you chat simultaneously with other people while watching the video.
The pros and cons of using syncLounge are:-
- SyncLounge is best for those people who are looking forward to watching plex content with other people.
- SyncLounge makes your video watching experience completely social and interactive with others, as it gives you the liberty to chat with other people watching the video.
- The drawback of using syncLounge is that it has no webcam or audio message support anytime for any user.
4. Twoseven
Twoseven is the most popular alternative for Rabbit today. Twoseven allows you to watch videos with other people and interact with those people through chat and twoseven is a real-time video sharing platform. Twoseven has support for Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime video, etc. Twoseven focuses on live reactions using a webcam. Twoseven focuses on support for maximum video streaming services. Twoseven gives you a real-time experience without any delay in it. Twoseven has a chrome extension which gives you the liberty to stream a video from anywhere and at any time.
If you talk about the pros and cons of using twoseven are:-
- Twoseven supports video streaming platforms without any limit, with other people, gives you live reaction with webcam and it gives you excellent performance.
- Twoseven, unfortunately, doesn’t have support for the live audio commentary.
- Twoseven doesn’t support audio messages while you are doing video streaming.
5. Netflix Party
Netflix party is a popular co-watching platform that has similar features like Rabbit. Netflix Party gives you the liberty to watch videos with your friends and family together. While using Netflix party one can also chat which one can use for interaction while watching videos in real-time. Netflix party is a browser extension for google chrome. In addition to all these features, the chat feature also supports emojis, GIFs and amazing typing indicators.
The pros and cons of using Netflix party are:-
- Netflix party has all the features similar to Rabbit but one can only stream content of Netflix using Netflix party.
- One doesn’t have to download any heavy software to run the Netflix party as one can run it on web browsers only.
- People can do group chats while using Netflix party and it also supports GIFs and emojis.
The drawback of using the Netflix party is that it has no webcam or audio support.
To Summaries we have discussed and shared the top 5 Rabbit app alternatives which are competitors and having websites similar to Rabbit app. These top 5 Rabbit alternatives which are best in features and functions as well. All these apps have great synchronized playback, so it doesn’t matter which one you pick, you will have a great time watching the content with your friends and family. Choose the right one for yourself and enjoy watching videos along with other features with your loved ones.
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